It is pretty simple really. We are about searching out synergistic connections that create solutions for today’s America. Our first mission is to enroll parents in being involved in their children’s education and to have a say as to where their tax money gets spent.
Today we are faced with challenges in many areas of life. Our way of looking at what challenges we face allows us to see solutions from different perspectives. These solutions may not always fit the mold of what appears to be popular in the world, and our visions seek to align people with various points of view to interesting conclusions.
We are parents and grandparents seeking the best future for our children and our country. We are building a team of dedicated parents and grandparents who disagree with the direction government-run education is going. Through our research and team building, we are changing the direction of education in this country.
We like to include parents and young people in our research solutions such that many different points of view come into play. Plus, it helps people contribute to society in different ways. Let us know how you see yourself getting involved.
For more information, you can contact us.